Tuesday, June 5, 2012

 Lets give it a try: CUTEST FLAG EVER!

I don't pretend to know what I am doing, but I think it will be quick and easy. (the original artist even says the same here:   http://thecreativecrate.blogspot.com/2010/07/diy-fence-wood-flag.html) AND cheap. I have enough boards from our fence that we just tore down, so all we will need is paint and wire. I will have the boards cut to size and ready to paint. 

We will be meeting Thurs. the 21st. I am guessing it will cost around $5, although I havn't done any research into that part.

I will take any  advice on what kind of paint and wire to use. Like I said before, I have no idea what i am doing here! I just wanted to make something cute with my old fence and thought you might too. And if you have any extra supplies collecting dust that may be useful, let me know. 

UPDATE: looks like Thurs. the 21st is going to be best. We will do it at the church on 200 S. at 7:00.

***one more thing: these will be pretty big-not front door size. if you want one that fits on your door let me know and i will split the boards to make the dimensions work. i will plan on the big size unless you tell me different.


  1. Hey I really want to do this craft! I think it is super cute! Although neither of those dates work for me! It is my sister-in-laws wedding dinner on Thursday and her wedding and reception on Friday! Even though I cant come please sign me up and I can try to figure it out on my own! Thanks:)

  2. The 21st works for me. I work the 22nd.

  3. I want to do this. The 21st works for me but not the 22. I may want more than one. Thanks Mandi! Way Cute!
